Good Day Oklahoma’s Wayne Stafford talks with Dr. Kesinger from Integris to talk about Healthy Lifestyle Resolutions
Healthy Lifestyle Resolutions for the New year
1) Aim for 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables a day –
2) Increase high fiber foods
3) Increase water intake
4) Allow for adequate rest and sleep
5) Try to get more exercise
6) Schedule an annual well check
1 -About 10 percent of Americans eat the recommendation about of fruit and vegetables – try to put 1-2 vegetables with each meal, including breakfast
2 -High fiber foods help with gut health and decreases the risk of colon cancer
3 -Goal is clear urine
4 -Rest allows the mind and body to heal – a routine for bedtime and awake times can help
5 -Goal is 2.5 hours per week – but even short bursts of walking has been shown to improve cardiac health
6 -Working with your health provider for routine screenings can extend your life by screening for issues before they become a problem