The silent killer: What about your lifestyle contributes to the development of cancer?

The silent killer: What about your lifestyle contributes to the development of cancer?

Cancer is a terrible illness that comes on without warning. It’s true that you are born with certain genes that predispose you to develop cancer; however, other factors such as lifestyle risk factors are crucial in determining the fate of the disease. But by learning about these factors and taking appropriate action, we can decrease our vulnerability to this silent but deadly killer.
Individual Risk Factors That Increase Cancer Risk
Use of Tobacco: Smoking and, chewing tobacco are two of the most common reasons why many people develop cancer. These habits subject people to, toxic chemicals that cause DNA damage and eventually result in abnormal changes within the cell.
Drinking Too Much Alcohol: The more you drink alcohol, the higher the risk that you will develop liver, esophageal, as well at breast cancers. DNA can be damaged by alcohol, which in turn can damage the body’s self-healing capacity.
Poor Diet: According to a study, nutrition that includes large quantities of processed food, red meat, and unhealthy fat can be a reason for increased cancer risk. On the other end of the spectrum, a healthy diet that includes a good amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins seems to provide a protective effect.
Physical Inactivity: More and more studies insist on keeping active lifestyle making it important to note that for many people who adhere to a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of developing several cancers, including colon, breast, and endometrial cancer, is elevated. Fatigue of this sort makes it difficult to maintain a regular workout routine which plays a crucial role in lowering inflammation levels, hormone regulation, and enhancing the immune system.
Obesity: Overweight in general, but especially centralized obesity, is a risk factor for developing breast, colon, and endometrial cancer, among numerous other types of cancer.
Sun Exposure: But it is essential to remember that overconsumption of sunlight also has adverse effects. Prolonged use of the sun by poor people with no skin protection can put them at a higher risk of skin cancer. Daily activities such as using sunscreen and avoiding prolonged exposure during peak sun hours can help reduce the risk.
Chronic Infections: Other research has identified additional risk factors such as chronic infection e.g. hepatitis B and C, Papillomavirus, and Helicobacter pylori (He. pylori) which has been shown to stimulate malignancy development

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Strategies and Self Management of One’s Life To Prevent Cancer
• Quit Smoking: The most corresponding factor for lung cancer and cancers related to smoking is smoking. Therefore, quitting smoking brings huge benefits in terms of risk reduction.
• Limit Alcohol: Alcohol moderation is fine but excess alcohol consumption does lead to increased cancer risk.
• Eat a Healthy Diet: Dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and products low in fat should be emphasized. Processed foods, red meat, and sodas should be minimized.
• Engage in Physical Activities: Moderate physical activities of at least 150 minutes should be practiced every week.
• Weight Control: Reduced risk of cancer would be due to the possession of optimal body weight.
• Avoid Direct Sunlight: High SPF sun protection, coverage on the body, and sun exposure time limitation should be observed.
• Get an Immunization: Getting an HPV and hepatitis B vaccination lowers the chances of developing certain types of cancer.
• Routine Health Checks: Periodic examinations and visualisation helps in the early detection of the disease when cancer cures may be at their most successful.
To conclude all I can say is health is wealth and it can only be managed when choices in life are made carefully. It is also essential to rest assured that yes, cancer can often be prevented.
(By: Dr. Tejinder Kataria, Radiation Oncology & Cancer Center, Medanta – The Medicity)

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