Celebrities moving out of the country after Trump election, Letters

Celebrities moving out of the country after Trump election, Letters

The Issue: Condescending comments from Hollywood celebrities following the presidential election.

Kudos to Kirsten Fleming for calling out several obnoxious Hollywood narcissists, although maybe the words “Hollywood” and “narcissist” are redundant (“American idiots? Look in mirror” Nov. 26).

Do these actors actually believe that they know better than the rest of us?

Who do Alec Baldwin and Sharon Stone think they are?

Let’s not forget that Baldwin has had a storm of controversies: Someone died filming his movie.

Yet he has the stones to criticize those who did not vote for his candidate.

How dare he judge.

This is America, and we have the right to vote for our candidate of choice.

And yes, that old Hall and Oates song “Out of Touch” should play every single time these snobby, uninformed elitists open their mouths.

Let’s hope both Baldwin and Stone leave the country for good.

I certainly won’t miss their diatribes.

Jeannie Weldin

Dumont, NJ

I’m wondering why, if our wonderful country is so uneducated, the likes of Sharon Stone and Alec Baldwin are still living here to begin with?

Evidently, they could do much better anywhere else.

Hollywood actors: Please stop demeaning our country and acting so self-righteous and hateful.

Be my guest and leave — the sooner the better, because we, as proud Americans, don’t need or want your opinions or your presence here. Stop talking about it and do it.

Jean Cole

Juno Beach Fla.

I really loved Sharon Stone and even enjoyed Alec Baldwin in a number of his movies.

But how dare they say that most Americans have the intelligence of a wad of gum.

I would take a wad of gum with common sense rather than a pair of bigmouths anytime.

Louie Scarcella


Celebrities who say they’ll leave America because Donald Trump was elected president are like children.

They are moving from their mansions in the United States to their mansions in another country.

When they actually give up their American citizenship — then I will be impressed.

Until then, they should quit all the virtue signaling.

Wayne Galvin


I’m not exactly sure when Americans stopped listening to the likes of Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin and their Democratic Party enablers.

It could have been the first time President-elect Trump was impeached, or maybe even the second time.

It might have been when the Dems raided Trump’s home or when they arrested him, fingerprinted him and published his mug shot.

Most likely it was when the Democratic establishment, the Obamas and their Hollywood elite friends, tried to convince us that Vice President Kamala Harris had the experience, character and leadership qualities to run our great nation.

After all, they also told us President Biden was physically and mentally capable of being our commander-In-chief.

Michael D’Auria


When are these Hollywood has-beens just going to go away and stop spewing their hateful nonsense?

They vent their uninformed commentary without ever taking into account that what they’re saying is, in fact, grossly biased and frequently wrong.

Here you have Alec Baldwin and Sharon Stone in Italy, a country with a long history of government disfunction and political violence, ranting about how bad America is.

America has been a stable representative republic for 248 years.

Italy became a republic in 1946.

You also have Richard Gere moving his family to Spain, a country that went through a horrible civil war in the 1930s, then aligned itself with Nazi Germany during the second World War and had 30 years of a dictatorship until the 1970s.

They also show their true colors when they keep threatening to move to Canada and not south of the border.

Why exactly don’t they want to move to Mexico?

It’s just a short drive from Los Angeles, after all.

Rick Cabrera


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