Examining The Benefits Of Warm Lemon Water, Effectively Losing Weight?

Examining The Benefits Of Warm Lemon Water, Effectively Losing Weight?

JAKARTA – lemon water is often said to have various health benefits, ranging from increasing the immune system to helping to lose weight.

However, according to Emily Ho, a professor of nutrition and director of the Oregon Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, although lemon juice is refreshing and beneficial as part of a healthy lifestyle, there is not much scientific evidence to support some of its claims.

On social media, warm lemon water is often associated with benefits such as helping burn calories, increasing hydration, improving digestion, and strengthening the immune system. However, there are several things that need to be straightened out regarding the benefits of lemon juice according to nutritionists.

The main benefits of lemon water actually lie in its hydrating nature. Drinking lemon water in the morning does feel refreshing, especially after the body loses fluids throughout the night.

A well-hydrated body will be more optimal in regulating body temperature, protecting joints, and removing remnants through sweat and urine. In addition, adequate hydration is also associated with healthier skin, a more stable mood, and better cognitive function.

However, according to Joan Salge Blake, dietist and professor of nutrition clinics at Boston University, there is nothing special about lemon juice in terms of hydration. You will get the same effect from a glass of plain water, herbal tea, or sugarless coffee.

“Any liquid can hydrate the body,” Blake said.

According to shot Simon, clinical dietist at the University of Washington Medical Center, all types of fluids play an important role in keeping the digestive system healthy, both water and lemon water.

A study in Turkey in 2020 involving 4,500 adults found that those who drink eight glasses of water a day have a 29% lower risk of constipation than those who only drink four glasses or less.

There is also a small study published in 2022 showing that lemon juice can accelerate the process of emptying the stomach, although the scale of this study is still limited.

For older adults, intake of citric acid from lemon may be useful in helping the digestive process. As you get older, the production of stomach acid decreases, which can cause digestive disorders, acid reflux, and difficulty absorbing nutrients.

However, there is no strong evidence that a little citric acid from lemon juice is really enough to solve this problem.

Lemon is indeed rich in vitamin C, which plays an important role in maintaining the immune system, helping the healing process, and functioning as an antioxidants to protect cells from damage.

Half a large lemon contains about 25% of daily vitamin C needs. However, according to Dr. Ho, there is not enough scientific evidence that regular consumption of lemon juice can significantly increase endurance.

A review of more than 60 clinical trials shows that consuming high-dose vitamin C supplements does not have a major effect on preventing or reducing the duration of the runny nose. A severe lack of vitamin C can indeed cause health problems, but this condition rarely occurs in people who eat healthy and balanced foods.

According to Joan Salge Blake, drinking warm lemon water will not directly boost the immune system.

Many people believe drinking hot lemon water can help burn fat. However, according to Simon, this claim lacks a solid scientific basis.

If someone replaces high calorie drinks such as sweet coffee or soda with lemon juice without additional sugar, this can indeed help reduce calorie intake and contribute to weight loss. However, lemon juice itself has no special effect in burning fats or increasing metabolism.

Several studies have shown that orange consumption, including lemon, can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Long-term studies also found a link between orange consumption and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, but this evidence is still classified as weak and needs further research.

lemon water is not a magic drink that can drastically improve health or help lose weight. However, if consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle, lemon water can be a refreshing and beneficial drink.

Some of the benefits that can be obtained from lemon water are more related to hydration, vitamin C content, and fresh effects than special benefits such as increased metabolism or fat burning.

So, if you enjoy lemon water in the morning, it doesn’t hurt to keep consuming it. However, don’t rely on lemon juice as the only way to maintain health, make sure to eat nutritious food, exercise, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

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