Yum China (YUMC) Offers a 113% Payout Opportunity despite Trump Risk

Yum China (YUMC) Offers a 113% Payout Opportunity despite Trump Risk

On the surface, the re-election of Donald Trump poses significant risks for Yum China (YUMC). As a fast-food operator commanding prominent brands like KFC and Pizza Hut in the lucrative Chinese market, YUMC stock would ordinarily be a compelling opportunity. However, Trump’s proposal for tariffs — combined with prior grievances against China’s leadership — has many economists and analysts worried.

Fortunately, there are some positive points that may help turn the tide in a more optimistic direction. First, while “The Donald” may be best known for his brash rhetoric, in reality, he’s much more sensible. Prior dealings with Beijing reveal that he’s willing to work through disagreements. Therefore, YUMC stock might not be in grave danger as previously believed.

Second, Yum China posted strong growth during its third-quarter earnings report. Specifically, total system sales jumped 4%. In addition, China has yet to provide direct economic stimulus, meaning that it still has this option available. Therefore, I’m going to take a risk here and label YUMC stock as a bullish buying opportunity.

Usually, being bullish simply equates to buying shares of a company. However, I’m not entirely sure where YUMC stock may head over the long run. Therefore, I’m hesitant to discuss the next common idea: buying long-term call options. Again, it’s very difficult to know where YUMC may end up several months from now.

However, as investors digest the broader implications of a Trump administration — and the realization that circumstances might not turn out as bad as previously feared — a short-term options trade could be very attractive. Specifically, adventurous investors may want to consider the benefits of a Bull Call spread, which involves simultaneously buying and selling a call option.

Why sell a call when you’re optimistic? Basically, you would use the credit received from selling a higher-strike call to partially offset the debit paid for a lower-strike long call. This action reduces the breakeven point but at the expense of capping the upside at the strike of the short call. Since we’re dealing with a short time frame, the capped reward arguably isn’t as big of a deal as it sounds.

With a relatively popular stock like YUMC, investors will have several options trades to choose from. For Bull Call spreads that expire on Dec. 20, 2024, there are more than 20 strike-price combinations available. However, thanks to stochastic analysis, we can eliminate most of the available ideas and focus only on the most viable prospects.

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