These establishments in Wayne County were inspected between Jan. 6 and 12, according to Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture records.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture provides this disclosure: “Please remember that any inspection is a ‘snapshot’ of the day and time of the inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term cleanliness of an establishment. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on site prior to the inspector leaving the establishment.”
Out of compliance
In compliance
Spanky’s Breakfast & Lunch: 960 Main St., Newfoundland
Inspected Jan. 7. Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Violations: 8
Inspector observed milk nozzles of beverage dispensing machine not cut to prevent milk stored outside of refrigeration; chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher was 0 ppm, not 50-100 ppm as required; facility was reusing egg separation trays (intended to be single-use) for ready-to-eat foods; food residue on the deli meat slicer blade and guard; black and gray mold-like substance on ice machine cuber head and tray (cleaned and sanitized); non-food contact surfaces of milk dispensing equipment and shake mixing machine not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil; ceiling and wall attachments behind the hood ventilation system in the cookline area were not easily cleanable and had a buildup of grease and residue directly above the cooking surface; and old food residue and buildup on the shelf above the flat top.
More:Restaurant inspections from Wayne County, Dec. 30-Jan. 5
Renegades Saloon: 1058 Main St., Newfoundland
Inspected Jan. 7. Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Violations: 4
Inspector observed an employee’s open beverage container in a food preparation area; employees in the kitchen area not wearing proper hair restraints, such as beard covers; food residue on the potato cutter guard; and old food residue on internal upper surfaces of the microwave.
More:Restaurant inspections from Pike County, Jan. 6-12
Fawn Lake Beach House: 111 Cove Oaks Lane, Hawley
Inspected Jan. 8. Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Violations: 6
Inspector observed severely dented/distressed canned items in the kitchen intended for use (seven pizza sauce cans were removed from the shelf for return to the distributor); thermometers for ensuring proper temperatures of food were not available or readily accessible; QAC sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration were not available; mop sink had a hose attachment hanging below the flood rim of the sink without an appropriate air gap (removed) and no visible air gap on the ice machine drain line in the kitchen; no covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins in the employee restroom; and no self-closing door in the employee restroom.
Zero violations
Hardler Farms: 11 Hardler Farm Road, Honesdale; Jan. 8; Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Follow-up inspection after being out of compliance with eight violations on Dec. 26.