UVA’s China Office Marks 10-Year Anniversary

A collage of Officials at UVA’s China Office

The University of Virginia’s China Office, launched in Shanghai as the University’s first overseas entity to strengthen ties between UVA and the world’s second-most populous country, marked its 10th anniversary Friday. UVA officials used the occasion to note an expansion of the program.

“UVA’s long-standing office in China serves as a model for sustained engagement with local communities, alumni, students and faculty,” Tina Mangieri, director of UVA Global Initiatives, said. “Beginning next academic year, the China Office will expand its outreach across East Asia and soon will be part of an overseas network of UVA offices in key global regions. Together these offices will support efforts across Grounds to build international collaborations and partnerships, helping our students develop the knowledge, perspectives, experience and skills necessary to lead in a globally connected world.”

The China Office’s initial opening date of March 7, 2015, was a nod to UVA’s anniversary of its first classes: March 7, 1825. (UVA marked the bicentennial of that date this week with events around Grounds.) 

Just under 1,000 Chinese students are studying in Charlottesville this year, and the University has about 6,000 Chinese alumni, according to the China Office.

“It has been an extraordinary privilege to represent the University of Virginia in China over the past decade,” Justin O’Jack, the China Office’s chief representative, said. “I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work alongside our distinguished faculty and staff from Grounds, as well as our dynamic and passionate community of students, alumni, parents, and friends throughout China.”

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