Three Asian musicians turn a reservoir into a concert hall in Hong Kong

Three Asian musicians turn a reservoir into a concert hall in Hong Kong

Lam, co-founder of new media art group Dimension Plus, who has a new media arts degree from New York University, focuses on using technology such as AI to create immersive audio-visual experiences. Like Siu, Lam works with artists across disciplines to create shows that push the limits of arts experiences. For example, for Reconnect 2023: New Canvas in Taiwan, he and a team of musicians turned National Taichung Theater into a mesmerising, cave-like structure with changing, AI-generated light projections, redefining the experience of a concert hall; in the installation TTTV Garden (2022-23) at Hong Kong Design Institute’s HKDI Gallery, real plants absorbed light from an LED panel above that played videos of an artificial aurora, to reflect on life in the digital age.

When Asia+ Festival, an arts festival established last year by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, asked Siu to create a new show for this year’s festival, he invited Lam and Lee, whom he had met separately, to join him. “We share a similar vision in the sense that we’re rebels. We look for rule-bending ways of presenting the arts that challenge the audience [and their conventional understanding of performances],” says Siu.

With their rock cavern collaboration, the three hope to encourage more people to explore the arts. “We want to use an undefined, cross-medium genre to attract people outside of our own discipline to explore new art forms,” says Lam.

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