Integrated healthy lifestyle even in late-life mitigates cognitive decline risk across varied genetic susceptibility

Integrated healthy lifestyle even in late-life mitigates cognitive decline risk across varied genetic susceptibility

Study design and population This study was performed within CLHLS, an ongoing prospective population-based cohort study conducted in half of the countries and cities in 23 provinces in China and designed to investigate the determinants of healthy aging among Chinese older adults. Further details about the study design have been previously described elsewhere42. In brief,…

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Association between behavioral and sociodemographic factors and high subjective health among adolescents: a nationwide representative study in South Korea

Association between behavioral and sociodemographic factors and high subjective health among adolescents: a nationwide representative study in South Korea

Key findings This study analyzed 18-year trends in subjective health and its association with demographic and behavioral factors using a nationally representative cohort of South Korean adolescents, including the COVID-19 pandemic era, and yielded several key findings. The prevalence of adolescents reporting high subjective health increased before the COVID-19 pandemic; however, this trend reversed during…

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The effectiveness of a 10-week family-focused e-Health healthy lifestyle program for school-aged children with overweight or obesity: a randomised control trial | BMC Public Health

The effectiveness of a 10-week family-focused e-Health healthy lifestyle program for school-aged children with overweight or obesity: a randomised control trial | BMC Public Health

Pinhas-Hamiel O, Hamiel U, Bendor CD, Bardugo A, Twig G, Cukierman-Yaffe T. The global spread of severe obesity in toddlers, children, and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Facts. 2022;15(2):118–34. Article  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Spinelli A, Buoncristiano M, Kovacs VA, Yngve A, Spiroski I, Obreja G, et al. Prevalence of severe obesity…

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Developing and assessing the “MultiLife” intervention: a mobile health-based lifestyle toolkit for cardiometabolic multimorbidity in diabetes and hypertension management – a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial protocol | BMC Public Health

Developing and assessing the “MultiLife” intervention: a mobile health-based lifestyle toolkit for cardiometabolic multimorbidity in diabetes and hypertension management – a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial protocol | BMC Public Health

Our protocol adheres to the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) guidelines, with the completed SPIRIT checklist available in Supplementary file S1 [31]. The trial is registered with the Clinical Trial Registry of India [(CTRI/2024/10/074559) (]. Study design We will conduct a two-arm, parallel-group, community-based, multi-centre, cluster randomized controlled trial with a 1:1 allocation…

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Self-efficacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors as mediators between COVID-19 care knowledge and health status

Self-efficacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors as mediators between COVID-19 care knowledge and health status

World Health Organization. Regional Office for E. Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. World Health Organization. 2023/05/11, 2023. Accessed 2023/05/05. (2023). Del Rio, C., Collins, L. F. & Malani, P. Long-term health consequences of COVID-19. JAMA 324(17), 1723–1724. (2020). Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central …

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Association between life’s essential 8 and periodontitis in U.S. adults

Association between life’s essential 8 and periodontitis in U.S. adults

In this nationally representative cross-sectional study, we found that higher LE8 scores was associated with a lower prevalence of periodontitis. Participants with moderate (50–79) and high (80–100) LE8 scores had 58% and 55% lower odds of periodontitis, respectively, compared with participants with lower (0–49) LE8 scores, after adjusting for potential confounders. Among the LE8 components,…

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The impact of early adversity on later life health, lifestyle, and cognition | BMC Public Health

The impact of early adversity on later life health, lifestyle, and cognition | BMC Public Health

ELSA dataset In the ELSA dataset, most of the early adversities (with the exception of sexual assault, which was not associated with cognition, and deprivation, which was only associated with cognition) were associated with BMI, subjective health, depressive symptoms, smoking status, alcohol consumption, and cognition (i.e., immediate memory and verbal fluency). Specifically, in line with…

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Health promoting resources and lifestyle factors among higher education students in healthcare and social work programmes: a survey with a longitudinal multicentre design | BMC Public Health

Associations of an overall healthy lifestyle with the risk of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease | BMC Public Health

Study population The UK Biobank study is a prospective cohort of more than 500,000 adults aged 37–73 years recruited from 22 assessment centers across the UK between 2006 and 2010 (instance 0) [36]. At enrollment, participants completed a questionnaire, a verbal interview, and a physical assessment for anthropomorphic data and vital signs. The blood specimens…

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