Scammers may be sending SMS messages with ‘#’ sign, Hong Kong agency warns

Scammers may be sending SMS messages with ‘#’ sign, Hong Kong agency warns

Scammers could be using illegal radio jammers to transmit text messages with a sender ID prefixed with a hashtag, a symbol only available to registered companies, Hong Kong communications authorities warned on Friday.

The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) said some people had reported receiving suspicious text messages with a “#” symbol, used in the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” that was implemented in 2023 as part of efforts to combat phishing scams.

Under the scheme, messages from major telecoms providers such as SmarTone, 3HK and 1010 incorporate a hashtag as part of their sender IDs. Only registered parties can use the symbol.

“OFCA has recently received inquiries from members of the public stating that they have received suspected fraudulent text messages sent with the name of the text message sender starting with the ‘#’ sign,” it said.

The office has urged the public to remain vigilant when handling hyperlinks in text messages. Photo: Edmond So

The office said it had immediately contacted the people involved and the relevant telecoms providers.

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