Nutritionists Reveal This One Food Must Be Consumed During Breakfast

Nutritionists Reveal This One Food Must Be Consumed During Breakfast

JAKARTA – Breakfast is the most important meal time in a day. However, not all foods provide the same benefits for the body. A nutritionist revealed that there is one food that must be consumed at breakfast because of its extraordinary nutritional content.

Lisa Moskovitz, a registered nutritionist and CEO of the NY Nutrition Group, revealed that Chia seeds are the main stars for a healthy breakfast menu. These small seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is still a family with mints.

According to Moskovitz, the chia seed deserves to be called a superfood, because of its extraordinary nutritional content.

“Chia seeds contain fiber, magnesium, vitamin B, iron, and also a little protein,” he explained, quoted by VOI from the Huffpost page on Thursday, January 30.

In addition, Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain and heart health and reduce inflammation in the body. Not only that, but Chia seeds also helps improve digestion.

“For those who often experience constipation or other digestive problems, Chia seeds are a very good source of soluble and insoluble fiber,” added Moskovitz.

In fact, by consuming only 2-3 tablespoons of Chia seeds, we have received almost 10 grams of fiber, a third of the recommended daily fiber needs.

Fibers not only help improve digestion, but also reduce the risk of serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Besides being rich in benefits, Chia seeds are also very easy to combine with various favorite breakfast menus.

“You can sprinkle it in yogurt, mix it in oatmeal, add it to avocado bread, or even put it in coffee and orak-arik eggs,” Moskovitz suggested.

“It can also soak it in almond milk, cow milk, or oat milk overnight in the refrigerator, so it can be consumed immediately the next morning as a practical breakfast,” he continued.

By adding Chia seeds or other nutritious foods such as nuts and fruit to the breakfast menu, you can get more health benefits without having to sacrifice your taste.

“Instead of focusing too much on what to avoid, it’s better to think about what we can add to our diet.” Moskovitz messages.

In his interview, Moskovitz also discussed the best time for breakfast, important facts about egg consumption, four mandatory ingredients in healthy smoothies, and much more. So, if you want to start the day healthier and more powerful, make sure Chia seeds are part of your breakfast menu.

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