The sound of dozens of teeth crunching down on apples echoed throughout the halls of Vance Chapman Public School as students helped kick off the Great Big Crunch.
“It’s just better for you,” said Grade 8 student Kaloum Craig. “If you keep eating all this junk food you could get overweight too because of all the calories, so going with the fruits and vegetables is a better idea.”
Lakehead Public Schools is partnering with the Canadian Red Cross on the Great Big Crunch to start Nutrition Month, which is part of the Red Cross’s Student Nutrition Program promoting healthy eating habits.
Students throughout Vance Chapman were all given a piece of apple on Friday and simultaneously bit down at the same time.
“(Friday) was just a fun way to promote healthy eating and healthy snacks for our students at Vance Chapman,” said principal Angela Delorey. “We are very fortunate to have Red Cross as a partnership with our school. Each day they provide healthy snacks for our kids here, who devour them each and every day.”
Delorey added that some children tend to have unhealthy snacks in their lunchboxes, but they still seem to reach for the healthy options instead.
“There’s nothing that’s wasted,” she said. “They are eating it and staying healthy and we are happy about that.”
The Great Big Crunch at Vance Chapman was a lead up to the actual crunch event that will be taking place at all Lakehead Public Schools on March 6.