Joe Biden Warns Syrian Rebel Groups After Assad’s Fall

President Joe Biden Syria Roosevelt Room

President Joe Biden issued a warning to the rebel groups that toppled the decades-long Assad regime, insisting the U.S. would help ensure “stability” in the wake of the government’s collapse.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fled the country as rebel forces moved into the capital city Damascus overnight Saturday, with reports that he found safe haven in Russia as his government crumbled in a matter of hours, ending a 50-year regime.

Biden, speaking Sunday from the Roosevelt Room in the White House, praised the effect of Israel’s campaign against Hezbollah and Ukraine’s staunch defense against Russia’s invasion as major factors that allowed rebel forces to take back Syria and topple Assad.

Biden, however, hedged his praise for the rebels with a warning that the U.S. will keep an eye on how events unfold and how those groups act in the coming weeks and months.

US President Joe Biden speaks about the situation in Syria in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington, DC, on December 8, 2024 following a crisis meeting to discuss the sudden overthrow by…

Chris Kleponis / AFP via Getty Images

“We will remain vigilant,” Biden said. “Make no mistake, some of the rebel groups that took down Assad have their own grim record of terrorism and human rights abuses.”

“We’ve taken note of statements by the leaders of these rebel groups in recent days, and they’re saying the right things now, but as they take on greater responsibility, we will assess not just their words, but their actions, and we are mindful,” Biden said.

Biden also took a moment to address groups such as ISIS who might seek to gain from the resulting instability in the country to try and gain a greater foothold.

“We’re clear eyed about the fact that ISIS will try to take advantage of any vacuum to reestablish its capability and to create a safe haven,” Biden said, adding, “We will not let that happen.”

“In fact, just today, US forces conducted a dozen of precision strikes, air strikes within Syria targeting ISIS camps and ISIS operatives,” Biden said.

“We will help stability, reinsure stability in eastern Syria, protecting any personnel – our personnel – against any threats and remain our mission against ISIS will be maintained, including security of detention facilities where ISIS fighters are being held as prisoners,” Biden said.

This is a developing story and will be updated when more information becomes available.

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