In Remarks, Biden Promotes Broadband Agenda

In Remarks, Biden Promotes Broadband Agenda

WASHINGTON, Sep. 23, 2024 – President Joe Biden mentioned in a recent speech that he is still committed to expanding broadband access.

On Thursday, Biden touted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 as a significant part of his administration’s ongoing effort to provide affordable, high-speed internet access to every person across the nation.

Speaking at the Economic Club of Washington D.C., Biden put a premium on expanding broadband infrastructure to underserved communities, saying that every American, regardless of location, should be able to access the Internet.

The infrastructure law includes the $42.45 billion Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment Program. BEAD includes funding for the 50 states, five territories, and Washington D.C. to expand broadband infrastructure and access to rural and underserved communities.

The President likened the expansion of broadband access to President Franklin Roosevelt’s extension of electricity to rural America in 1936 through the Rural Electrification Act.

“The Internet is as critical as electricity was in his period,” said President Biden.

Biden noted in additional remarks the same day to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute that children should not have to do their homework in public places – like a library parking lot – because they lack the resources to access the Internet.

Despite the administration’s commitment to increasing broadband access, the BEAD program has been the subject of significant criticism among Republican legislators

None of the 50 states, five territories, or Washington, has broken ground on a broadband infrastructure project using BEAD money.

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