Date and time: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 | 10.30am-11.30am HKT
The live webinar will be available for all readers. Our speakers will also engage in a Q&A session. Submit your questions in advance for direct answers and valuable insights unique to this event.
The “Made in China 2025” plan has been controversial since the day Beijing made it public. Some pointed fingers at Beijing for employing unfair policies in growing China’s preferred industries, while others called the strategy a fool’s errand, feeling there was no point seeking industrial progress through “a planned economy mindset”.
The Chinese government was forced to play down the plan – at least in public – but kept implementing its key policies by encouraging and directing resources into the industries deemed important for the country’s future.
A decade later, it seems China’s efforts have largely paid off. The country has become a formidable player in many strategic industries, from electric vehicles to robotics. A South China Morning Post review of the plan at the end of 2024 found that China had achieved most of its own targets.
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