Arrowhead District heading back to voters with slimmed down referendum

Having been soundly defeated in its bid to build a new high school, voters will be asked to consider demolishing one building and renovating another.

Just months after its last facilities referendum failed, the Arrowhead Union High School District is going to the voters again this spring with another facilities referendum, but at a lesser amount.

The Arrowhead School Board unanimously voted Jan. 15 to place a $136.2 million facilities referendum on the April 1 ballot, much less than a $261.2 million facilities referendum that failed last November.

Here’s what to know about the referendum.

What would Arrowhead get with its $136.2 million?

If voters approve, the plan would consolidate Arrowhead High School into one building by renovating and expanding the school’s North Campus building while demolishing the school’s South Campus building, according to the district’s news release.

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