Consider Trump’s failed predictions
Harris has had four years already to solve problems
Without abortion access, other issues mean less
Bodily autonomy is not an unlimited right
Trump endangers Americans through his lies
Consider Trump’s failed predictions
Aren’t you getting tired of Donald Trump trying to scare people into voting for him by telling them terrible things will happen if he doesn’t get elected? It’s an old and not very effective trick.
Here are some of his pathetic quotes from 2020 when he was running against Joe Biden and lost:
“If Biden is elected, the stock market will crash … you’ll have a depression the likes of which you’ve never seen.”
“Biden has plans for immediately releasing 400,000 criminals onto your streets and into your neighborhoods.”
“China will own the United States if this election is lost by Donald Trump.”
“If Joe Biden ever becomes President our country would COLLAPSE.”
I don’t believe I saw any of that happen.
Jerry Parks, Burlington
Harris has had four years already to solve problems
Kamala Harris is trying to convince voters that she can fix the economy, the border, and everything else that currently isn’t working in America. Are American voters going to buy this when for the past four years she was responsible, along with President Joe Biden, for decisions that created crime and uncontrolled borders, destroyed energy independence, created record-breaking inflation that every American faces when they go to a grocery store or make any other purchase?
How about the foreign policy disasters that have happened since she has been VP? The devastating Afghanistan withdrawal, the wars in Ukraine and Israel, along with the increased tensions with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. All portray America as weak under Biden/Harris leadership and could lead to World War III. Americans should learn about the ultra-far-left positions Harris had taken during her political career, including being named the most far-left member of the Senate.
Think back to four years ago and ask yourself, are you and your family better off today than during President Donald Trump’s presidency?
Patrick Ropella, Mason City
Without abortion access, other issues mean less
Regarding the letter writer who wrote that “Abortion access should pale to more pressing concerns” and wondered why the “liberal crowd make this a No. 1 issue”:
I would challenge him to consider that Abortion access is not a “liberal issue” rather an issue of ensuring people in need of medical care are empowered to get it. Would the gentleman feel the same way if vasectomies were restricted in our state? I know men who’ve had them, and a three-hour-plus car ride is the last thing they want to do after the procedure.
The other issues raised are certainly worthy of discussion, but inflation, border issues and geopolitical matters, all of which are being addressed, don’t matter if people are restricted from receiving the medical care they need.
Restrictions that impede people from receiving medical care in the land of the free? That should astonish all Americans, liberal or conservative.
Frank Lona, Des Moines
Bodily autonomy is not an unlimited right
There’s been a lot of discussion about reproductive rights, and questions about who are the extremists on the abortion issue.
We need to keep in mind that none of our basic rights are absolute. Our freedom of the press does not include publishing libel. Our freedom of religion does not give license to affix religious symbols to traffic signs. An old adage says, “The freedom to swing my arm stops precisely at your nose.” All rights have a certain balance.
In the case of abortion, which is a killing of a pre-born human, society needs to determine the limits as to when this should be allowed and when not. Society in general condones killing in the case of self-defense, war, and in some states capital punishment. Poll after poll has shown abortion is not condoned for just any reason whatsoever at any point in a pregnancy. Commonly accepted exceptions, even in states with fairly restrictive laws, allow abortion to save the life of the mother and in cases of rape and incest. The common understanding of previous Supreme Court rulings was that abortion in the first trimester was acceptable but that the state had an interest in more developed babies.
Yes, women have rights over their health and their bodies, but unborn humans are vulnerable members of our species, and their developing bodies are enclosed in, but not part of, the mother’s body. Like the antagonist in Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” who was awarded his ”pound of flesh, but not a drop of blood,” a woman may be entitled to be un-pregnant, but she is certainly not entitled to a dead baby.
Mary Ann Sexton, West Des Moines
Trump endangers Americans through his lies
Increasing reports of growing concerns about safety and security in areas affected by recent hurricanes are alarming. They are caused in part by misinformation and rumors, and have targeted multiple federal agencies, making recovery efforts more difficult.
Let’s make no mistake. These rumors and misrepresentations have been fueled by our former president’s dangerous and misleading rhetoric. While speaking mistruths and denigrating government officials and agencies that exist to carry out duties and responsibilities based on our Constitution and its principles, our former president desires once again to take the oath to “… preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.”
Dare we forget the starkly evidenced betrayal of this oath on Jan. 6, 2021? Dare we entrust our nation and its core principles to his presence again?
As a nation, we cannot risk the return to power of the blatant disregard and betrayal of his sworn duty to our Constitution and national governance that he has outlined. We cannot afford the continued, intentional divisiveness that poisons our national discourse and sacrifices the common good and decency of our citizenry and populace.
May we have the courage and resolve to choose the alternate path.
Mark Piel, Urbandale
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