10 Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Ideas That RDs Recommend

10 Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Ideas That RDs Recommend

What you eat for breakfast can set the tone for your entire day. We find it easiest to make good choices in the morning, before our willpower is depleted, so having healthy breakfast options on hand sets you up for success. But what does “healthy” even mean?

It’s all too easy to get confused by the glut of nutrition information out there, especially when a lot of the advice seems to contradict itself. Luckily, there’s one thing experts all seem to agree on when it comes to diet and health, and that’s keeping inflammation low.

  • Rhyan Geiger, registered dietitian (RD) and owner of Phoenix Vegan Dietitian
  • Amy Shapiro, MS, registered dietitian (RD), certified dietitian nutritionist (CDN), and founder of Real Nutrition

Why It’s Smart to Keep Inflammation Low

“[Inflammation] is a response from your immune system that occurs when your cells have been damaged, explains Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, and founder of Real Nutrition. “This causes the body to release chemicals, antibodies, and proteins, which increase blood flow. For chronic inflammation, this response lingers, eventually causing damage to organs or tissues.”

However, not all inflammation is bad. In fact, inflammation is our body’s natural way of protecting against harm (for instance, when you’re sick and develop a fever to fight off the infection). The important distinction lies in the difference between the two types of inflammation: acute and chronic.

“Acute inflammation is what happens with a cut or scrape, but chronic inflammation is present for a longer period of time,” says Rhyan Geiger, RD, owner of Phoenix Vegan Dietitian. “Having chronic inflammation can lead to fatigue, pain, and [gastrointestinal] issues. Dealing with chronic inflammation for a long time can make the body’s inflammatory response damage healthy cells and potentially lead to additional chronic diseases like heart disease or arthritis.”

According to Shapiro, chronic inflammation can also lead to day-to-day, but still important, issues such as weight loss or gain, and mood disorders like anxiety and depression. Needless to say, no matter what dietary philosophy you may subscribe to, chronic inflammation is something we all should avoid.

The Benefits of Eating an Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast

When it comes to managing inflammation, food can play an important role. “Foods can help to decrease inflammation based on the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals they contain,” says Shapiro. “They can also increase inflammation if they are full of sugar, processed ingredients, chemicals, and more.”

Both dietitians agree that when you’re trying to adopt eating habits that support a healthy lifestyle and help fight inflammation, breakfast is an important place to start. In addition, Geiger notes that having a nutrient-dense meal in the morning increases your energy levels, promotes cognitive function so you stay alert during the day, and can lead to making better food choices throughout the day.

“Starting the day with refined carbohydrates like added sugar can cause an increase in your blood sugar and a ‘crash’ shortly after,” she explains. This can lead to the desire to snack throughout the day, reach for another sugary option, or take a midday nap.

Reducing Sugar Intake

If you’re looking to avoid that post-sugar crash, Shapiro recommends watching out for hidden sugars, which are often lurking in many “healthy” breakfast products like yogurts, granola, and cereals.

Both nutritionists also recommend limiting white bread products and baked goods, as they quickly turn into sugar in the body. The constant blood sugar roller coaster that comes with eating foods high in sugar can cause hormonal fluctuations and inflammation—the opposite of starting off your day on the right foot.

The good news is that by making smart breakfast choices, you can manage your energy levels, promote overall health and wellness, and prevent inflammation. Here are some fantastic, anti-inflammatory breakfast ideas to start your day off right.

Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Ideas

Oatmeal With Walnuts and Goji Berries

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This gluten-free grain is high in fiber to help decrease cholesterol levels and balance blood sugar,” Shapiro says. “The walnuts slow down digestion and provide a dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. Goji berries add sweet flavor without a lot of sugar and have a lot of antioxidants,” Shapiro says. Don’t have goji berries on hand? Geiger recommends adding raspberries or blueberries to your oats. “Berries have anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation and the risk of disease,” she says.

Fruit With Almond Butter

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When you’re on the go, grab an apple or banana with a packet of almond butter for a satisfying and portable meal. “Whole fruit is full of antioxidants that prevent free radicals from creating damage and disease in our bodies, and contain fiber, which helps to flush toxins through our body,” says Shapiro. Pair that with nut butter, which contains protein, fiber, healthy fat, vitamins, and minerals, and you’ll keep disease at bay.”

Greek Yogurt and Fruit

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The protein and healthy bacteria strains in Greek yogurt serve anti-inflammatory roles, aid digestion, and keep you satiated. “Pair that with antioxidant-rich berries and you have a power breakfast full of protein, fiber, and nutrients,” Shapiro recommends.

Eggs and Greens

Kim Cornelison

Eggs are rich in nutrients, including vitamin D, protein, omega 3, and choline,” according to Shapiro. The protein is powerful in managing blood sugar levels, which, as mentioned before, helps temper inflammation. Add in greens for a true superfood rich in nutrients, void of sugar, and high in fiber.

Tofu Scramble With Veggies

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If you’re not an egg lover, try tofu. “Tofu is chock full of nutrients, including isoflavones, which help reduce inflammation and are found in abundance in soy products,” Geiger says. Amp up the antioxidant power by tossing in whatever vegetables you have on-hand. “Adding many different colors of vegetables can be incredibly beneficial for reducing inflammation,” Geiger says. “Each color represents a set of nutrients, so the more colors you eat, the more nutrients you get.”

For a finishing touch, sprinkle a little turmeric into your creation, Geiger adds: “Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin that’s been shown to provide anti-inflammatory effects.”

Vegan Breakfast Burrito

Carin Krasner / Getty Images.

For another portable option, wrap your tofu scramble into a whole-wheat tortilla. These vegan breakfast burritos also include avocados, which contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats.

Protein-Packed Smoothie

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When it comes to inflammation-fighting superfoods, this is your chance to blend them for the ultimate anti-inflammatory breakfast. “I recommend adding organic fruit, veggies, a plant-based protein, water or an unsweetened nut milk, and chia seeds to ensure a balanced breakfast that will maintain energy levels,” Shapiro says. This combo packs in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia Pudding

Heather Meldrom

Speaking of chia seeds, Shapiro recommends starting the day with a filling and nutritious chia pudding. This vanilla-cinnamon chia pudding comes together quickly and needs just a couple hours in the refrigerator to set.

Avocado on Multigrain Toast


Avocado makes a creamy spread for multigrain toast. “Avocados have carotenoids and tocopherols, and both help reduce the risk of chronic disease,” Geiger says. For extra anti-inflammatory goodness, sprinkle hemp seeds on top, which contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

Veggie Patties

Victor Protasio

Vegan patties can be a delicious alternative to processed meats, which contain inflammatory saturated fat and sodium. “They’re low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and have nutrients like omega 3s to help with reducing inflammation,” Geiger says. “An added bonus is that they’re easy to make at home and they can be stored in the freezer for meal prepping.” For these veggie patties use whatever vegetables you have on-hand.

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