The police today arrested two persons, identified as Sonu and Rishav, alias Laddi, for snatching mobiles from city residents. The duo targeted people in various city areas. They looted cash and mobile phones from the victims.
The police recovered a Honda Activa scooter used in crimes, an iron dagger, Rs 5,000 in cash and two mobile phones from the suspects.
According to ADCP Prabhjot Singh Virk, the suspects committed around 12 snatching incidents. Sonu has three cases registered against him while Rishav has one FIR in the past. Third accomplice of the gang was identified and a raid was being conducted to arrest him.
Now, the police would seek a police remand of the suspects so that their role in past unsolved snatching incidents can be identified. Even persons who bought mobile phones from the suspects would also be identified and action might be taken against them.