Study: Healthful vs. Unhealthful Plant-Based Restaurant Meals. Image Credit: Geshas / Shutterstock

Most plant-based restaurant meals are unhealthy, study finds

Many “vegan” meals aren’t as healthy as you think—new research reveals that refined grains, fried foods, and saturated fats are widespread in plant-based restaurant dishes. Are your plant-based choices really good for you? Study: Healthful vs. Unhealthful Plant-Based Restaurant Meals. Image Credit: Geshas / Shutterstock In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers examined the…

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40 Easy High-Protein Vegetarian Meals

1 Sweet & Sour Tofu PHOTO: RYAN LIEBE; FOOD STYLING: SAM SENEVIRATNE Sweet and sour sauce is a staple across Chinese-American restaurant menus—and for good reason. The combination of savory, tangy, and sweet flavors pairs well with virtually every protein. That’s especially true when it comes to tofu—because it’s mild in flavor, the sweet and…

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