Hong Kong’s active ‘seenagers’ are redefining retirement. Can authorities keep up?

Hong Kong’s active ‘seenagers’ are redefining retirement. Can authorities keep up?

Hongkonger Shirley Chang, 82, plays pickleball regularly, takes a weekly class to learn Chinese ink painting and teaches her friends how to play bridge. The former businesswoman, who lives with a domestic helper in the Mid-Levels, said she was enjoying her retirement years by staying healthy, maintaining an active lifestyle and searching for new experiences….

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School board eases ban on cellphones, laptops


2024年,內地旅遊總人次達56.2億,較2023年增加7.24億或14.8%;其中城鎮居民旅遊人次約43.7億,按年上升16.3%;農村居民旅遊人次12.5億,多9.9%;首季、次季、第三季、第四季旅遊人次報14.2億、13.1億、15.1億、13.8億,分別上漲16.7%、11.8%、17.2%、13.2%,旅遊市場在2023年的高基數基礎上仍然保持穩健增長。 全年出行總人次儘管只恢復至2019年的93.5%,但春節、五一、國慶等節日假期的出遊人次及花費則超越了2019年同期水平,行業全年實現收入5.75萬億元(人民幣.下同),按年增加約8400億元或17.1%,略高於2019年【圖1】。 [IMG-3992046|3992046_5aedd7144c8de2ba3de9cca63d9ea427.png|FULL-IMG] 旅遊需求強勁帶來擴張機遇 今年春節,旅遊業繼續呈現火熱態勢,居民出行意願高漲,加上首日長假提前到除夕日,大大提升了除夕當天的文旅消費熱度,全國各地主要景點客流量較前一天上升了四成多,尤其是主題樂園、人文古蹟等景點增幅最大。 據同程旅行(00780)平台數據顯示, Source link

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401(k)s have a 'portability failure,' and that's a problem for employees

401(k)s have a ‘portability failure,’ and that’s a problem for employees

Listen and subscribe to Decoding Retirement on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. The 401(k) system, introduced in 1978, is showing its age and grappling with significant challenges. Currently, only about 50% of workers have access to these plans through their employers, and the system wasn’t built to accommodate today’s increasingly…

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Exploring motivation, goals, facilitators, and barriers to adopt health behaviors at retirement age: a focus group study | BMC Public Health

Exploring motivation, goals, facilitators, and barriers to adopt health behaviors at retirement age: a focus group study | BMC Public Health

Facilitators and barriers Participants identified various facilitators and barriers for a healthy lifestyle in general, most of them observed for both diet and physical activity, but some were specific to each. Usually, facilitators and barriers overlapped. For example, participants identified having more time as an expected facilitator, and lack of time as a barrier (additional…

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