UK firm achieves fusion milestone with movement of shock waves through amplifiers

Bill Gates-backed ‘winged’ wind tech could cut energy costs by 75%

A Bill Gates-backed start-up aims to revolutionize wind energy with a new, efficient, mass-producible, and versatile design. US-based firm Airloom Energy’s innovative renewable energy technology to maximize wind power’s potential has now gained significant backing from investors. The list also includes Breakthrough Energy Ventures, the innovation platform led by Microsoft founder Gates, and the state…

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Opinion | Why China’s clean tech glut is a net global positive

Opinion | Why China’s clean tech glut is a net global positive

With senior American officials meeting their Chinese counterparts last week to discuss the effects of China’s manufacturing “overcapacity” on the US economy, it is worth pausing to consider both the significant benefits and concerns over Beijing’s massive and unprecedented expansion of clean energy technology. China’s leadership across all facets of decarbonisation, including research and development,…

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