US Environmental Protection Agency: How deregulation could undermine fashion’s sustainability goals

US Environmental Protection Agency: How deregulation could undermine fashion’s sustainability goals

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s latest deregulatory moves could have far-reaching consequences for the fashion industry, particularly for companies committed to ambitious sustainability targets. With sweeping rollbacks across emissions, air quality and water pollution regulations, the changes could ease short-term compliance costs for some apparel businesses — but at what long-term price? The EPA…

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Study: Association between air pollution and lifestyle with the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and dementia in individuals with cardiometabolic diseases. Image Credit: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

Air pollution amplifies dementia risk in cardiometabolic disease patients

New research reveals how simple lifestyle changes can mitigate the dual threat of cardiometabolic diseases and air pollution on cognitive health. Study: Association between air pollution and lifestyle with the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and dementia in individuals with cardiometabolic diseases. Image Credit: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock In a recent study published in the journal…

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Ask Us: 'Green to Go' hasn't come to Mankato | Local News

Ask Us: ‘Green to Go’ hasn’t come to Mankato | Local News

Q: Do you know if Mankato has an ordinance on non-recyclable/non-compostable to-go containers? I see Minneapolis has a “Green To Go” ordinance with goals to reduce what is going to landfills and ends up in waterways. A: Minneapolis’ “Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Ordinance,” more commonly known as “Green To Go,” governs food and beverage containers used…

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9 ways to reduce the risk of early-onset cancer: experts

9 ways to reduce the risk of early-onset cancer: experts

Cancer may seem like an old person’s disease, but studies have shown that certain types have become increasingly prevalent in Americans younger than 50. Recent research found that Gen X and millennial Americans are at higher risk of developing 17 cancers compared to older generations. Rates of colon cancer diagnoses, for example, have increased by 15% in adults…

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