Healthiest Eating US States Revealed by Maps

Healthiest Eating US States Revealed by Maps

Utah is the U.S. state with the healthiest diet, according to a recent report—closely followed by Colorado, Washington, Minnesota and Vermont. A report by product life cycle management company Trace One gave each state a “Healthy Diet Index” based on nine factors. These included how many of the state’s adults ate fruit on a daily…

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Health promoting resources and lifestyle factors among higher education students in healthcare and social work programmes: a survey with a longitudinal multicentre design | BMC Public Health

Associations of an overall healthy lifestyle with the risk of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease | BMC Public Health

Study population The UK Biobank study is a prospective cohort of more than 500,000 adults aged 37–73 years recruited from 22 assessment centers across the UK between 2006 and 2010 (instance 0) [36]. At enrollment, participants completed a questionnaire, a verbal interview, and a physical assessment for anthropomorphic data and vital signs. The blood specimens…

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