Exploring influencing factors of healthy lifestyles in rural area among older adults with diabetes based on socioecological model

Exploring influencing factors of healthy lifestyles in rural area among older adults with diabetes based on socioecological model

Statement of principal findings This study aimed to identify the factors associated with healthy lifestyle behaviors in older adults with diabetes, adopting a socioecological model as a theoretical framework. The study demonstrated significant disparities in the health profiles of the five lifestyles: sleep, diet, physical activity, drinking, and smoking. Notably, sleep emerged as a major…

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Foods in the MIND diet may save your memory

Foods in the MIND diet may save your memory

Woman eating a salad (© Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com) MINNEAPOLIS – The secret to maintaining a sharp mind might be hiding in your kitchen. A new study suggests that following a specific diet could lower your risk of developing memory problems later in life. The diet in question? It’s called the MIND diet, and it might just be…

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