Who is Yu Renrong, China’s only chip industry representative at Xi Jinping’s symposium?

Who is Yu Renrong, China’s only chip industry representative at Xi Jinping’s symposium?

Yu Renrong, the only semiconductor executive to attend a symposium hosted by Xi Jinping with other Chinese entrepreneurs earlier this week, has quickly become the face of the nation’s chipmakers. In a video released by the mainland’s state broadcaster CCTV, the 58-year-old founder of Shanghai-listed Will Semiconductor – wearing a black coat – was seen…

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China’s small but beautiful ‘little giants’ charged with punching above their weight

China’s small but beautiful ‘little giants’ charged with punching above their weight

In China’s eastern coastal city of Ningbo lies a little-known manufacturer that makes one of the world’s thinnest amorphous-nanocrystalline alloys, more commonly known as magnetic “liquid metals”. The stand-out of the product line are soft, nano-sized magnetic materials that measure no thicker than 14 nanometres. To put that into perspective, a human hair is around…

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Hong Kong shouldn’t fret over container port rankings, but must ‘upgrade’ services: CY Leung

Hong Kong shouldn’t fret over container port rankings, but must ‘upgrade’ services: CY Leung

A former Hong Kong chief executive has dismissed concerns over the local container port losing out to rivals, while emphasising the need to develop related legal and insurance services to strengthen the city’s status as an international shipping centre. Leung Chun-ying, now a vice-chairman of the country’s top political advisory body, also said on Sunday…

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