State teachers union pushes the case for a ban on cell phones in school | Local News

State teachers union pushes the case for a ban on cell phones in school | Local News

New York state’s teachers union is calling on lawmakers to implement a ban on cell phones in school. The New York State United Teachers gathered a coalition of partners in education, healthcare, child and family advocacy, and law enforcement together on Monday who support “distraction-free schools.” “Kids’ personal devices have no place in the classroom….

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Relationship between radiofrequency-electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones and brain tumor: meta-analyses using various proxies for RF-EMR exposure-outcome assessment | Environmental Health

Relationship between radiofrequency-electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones and brain tumor: meta-analyses using various proxies for RF-EMR exposure-outcome assessment | Environmental Health

Screening and selection processes Figure 1 provides the screening and selection processes for this meta-analysis. A total of 1,103 articles were identified from three databases, including PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library. After the exclusion of 300 duplicate articles, 803 articles remained. Through primary screening using titles and abstracts, 502 articles were excluded. And then, for…

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Saying 'No' to Mobile Phone Use While Driving

Saying ‘No’ to Mobile Phone Use While Driving

By: Fety Ilma Rahmillah, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. Distractions from mobile phones while driving can cause fatalities. Tackling the problem will require a multi-disciplinary approach. We have all come across this type of headline: “Fatal car crash — cops say driver was using mobile phone”  Mobile phones have become indispensable, yet their impact…

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