9 ways to reduce the risk of early-onset cancer: experts

9 ways to reduce the risk of early-onset cancer: experts

Cancer may seem like an old person’s disease, but studies have shown that certain types have become increasingly prevalent in Americans younger than 50. Recent research found that Gen X and millennial Americans are at higher risk of developing 17 cancers compared to older generations. Rates of colon cancer diagnoses, for example, have increased by 15% in adults…

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Report finds China targeted AstraZeneca in fraud probe over cancer treatment

Report finds China targeted AstraZeneca in fraud probe over cancer treatment

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, whose China president is under investigation, was previously investigated for medical insurance fraud cases involving cancer medication sales, according to new Chinese media reports. The news comes after the British-Swedish company announced on its official website last week that its China chief Leon Wang was cooperating “with an ongoing investigation”, and its…

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