Do pandemics influence food choice motives, diet, and health behaviors? Evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic | BMC Nutrition

Do pandemics influence food choice motives, diet, and health behaviors? Evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic | BMC Nutrition

Study design and population A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect retrospective data from the recovered cases of COVID-19 in Pakistan. The target population was adults aged 18–50 years. Pregnant and lactating females were excluded due to their special dietary considerations and health practices while older adults were excluded due to their potential recall difficulties….

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Another COVID-like pandemic soon? China discovers new deadly bat coronavirus that can infect humans - The Economic Times Video

Another COVID-like pandemic soon? China discovers new deadly bat coronavirus that can infect humans – The Economic Times Video

A new bat coronavirus, HKU5-CoV-2, discovered by Chinese scientists, is raising global concerns about a potential future pandemic. The virus, found to bind to human ACE2 receptors, the same entry point used by SARS-CoV-2, has sparked fears of animal-to-human transmission. Researchers warn that HKU5-CoV-2 poses a significant spillover risk, though its efficiency in infecting humans…

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Hong Kong has outbreak of deadly fish-linked infection. Here’s how you can protect yourself

Hong Kong has outbreak of deadly fish-linked infection. Here’s how you can protect yourself

Hong Kong’s health minister, Lo Chung-mau, has urged residents to be careful when handling freshwater fish after 27 people were infected with the potentially deadly Group B Streptococcus. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) said the cause of the infection was related to handling and contact with raw freshwater fish. Hong Kong experienced a similar…

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