Association between Healthy Eating Index-2020, alternative Mediterranean Diet scores, and gastrointestinal cancer risk in NHANES 2005–2018

Association between Healthy Eating Index-2020, alternative Mediterranean Diet scores, and gastrointestinal cancer risk in NHANES 2005–2018

Jardim, S. R., de Souza, L. M. P. & de Souza, H. S. P. The rise of gastrointestinal cancers as a global phenomenon: unhealthy behavior or progress? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health 20. (2023). Wang, S. et al. Global, regional, and national lifetime risks of developing and dying from gastrointestinal cancers in 185…

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A cross-sectional study on the association between physical activity and the risk of colon cancer based on NHANES 2007–2018

A cross-sectional study on the association between physical activity and the risk of colon cancer based on NHANES 2007–2018

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study population This study collected data from six survey cycles of NHANES from 2007 to 2018, with a total of 59,842 participants. Firstly, participants under the age of 20 were excluded, followed by those with missing covariates, exposure variables, and outcome variables. The detailed study population inclusion criteria are…

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Exploring influencing factors of healthy lifestyles in rural area among older adults with diabetes based on socioecological model

Exploring influencing factors of healthy lifestyles in rural area among older adults with diabetes based on socioecological model

Statement of principal findings This study aimed to identify the factors associated with healthy lifestyle behaviors in older adults with diabetes, adopting a socioecological model as a theoretical framework. The study demonstrated significant disparities in the health profiles of the five lifestyles: sleep, diet, physical activity, drinking, and smoking. Notably, sleep emerged as a major…

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The association between metabolomic profiles of lifestyle and the latent phase of incident chronic kidney disease in the UK Population

The association between metabolomic profiles of lifestyle and the latent phase of incident chronic kidney disease in the UK Population

In this large prospective cohort study involving over 50,000 participants, we identified 15 plasma metabolites associated with lifestyle factors, the majority of which were lipids. Through enrichment analysis, we hypothesize that lifestyle factors may influence the linoleic acid metabolism pathway and the glycerolipid metabolism pathway, thereby affecting overall health. Subsequently, we employed accelerated failure time…

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Association between air pollution and lifestyle with the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and dementia in individuals with cardiometabolic diseases

Association between air pollution and lifestyle with the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and dementia in individuals with cardiometabolic diseases

Baseline characteristics of the participants Table 1 depicts the participant characteristics. Out of 438,681 participants, 75,056 (17.11%) had CMDs. Among them, 15.12% had one CMDs, 1.90% had two CMDs, and 0.09% had three CMDs. Individuals with one, two, or three CMDs were compared to those without CMDs. The former group was older, had more males and…

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Severe obesity, high inflammation, insulin resistance with risks of all-cause mortality and all-site cancers, and potential modification by healthy lifestyles

Severe obesity, high inflammation, insulin resistance with risks of all-cause mortality and all-site cancers, and potential modification by healthy lifestyles

Sung, H. et al. Global Cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. Cancer J. Clin. 71, 209–249 (2021). Article  MATH  Google Scholar  NCD Countdown. : worldwide trends in non-communicable disease mortality and progress towards Sustainable Development Goal target 3.4. Lancet.392, 1072-88. (2018). Trends in adult. Body-mass…

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Integrated healthy lifestyle even in late-life mitigates cognitive decline risk across varied genetic susceptibility

Integrated healthy lifestyle even in late-life mitigates cognitive decline risk across varied genetic susceptibility

Study design and population This study was performed within CLHLS, an ongoing prospective population-based cohort study conducted in half of the countries and cities in 23 provinces in China and designed to investigate the determinants of healthy aging among Chinese older adults. Further details about the study design have been previously described elsewhere42. In brief,…

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Association between behavioral and sociodemographic factors and high subjective health among adolescents: a nationwide representative study in South Korea

Association between behavioral and sociodemographic factors and high subjective health among adolescents: a nationwide representative study in South Korea

Key findings This study analyzed 18-year trends in subjective health and its association with demographic and behavioral factors using a nationally representative cohort of South Korean adolescents, including the COVID-19 pandemic era, and yielded several key findings. The prevalence of adolescents reporting high subjective health increased before the COVID-19 pandemic; however, this trend reversed during…

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Analysis of the mediating role of life style in the relationship between health literacy and self-rated health employing structural equation modeling

Analysis of the mediating role of life style in the relationship between health literacy and self-rated health employing structural equation modeling

Mellor, D., Russo, S., McCabe, M. P., Davison, T. E. & George, K. Depression training program for caregivers of elderly care recipients: implementation and qualitative evaluation. J. Gerontol. Nurs. 34, 8–15 (2008). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Jordan, J. E., Buchbinder, R. & Osborne, R. H. Conceptualising health literacy from the patient perspective. Patient Educ. Couns….

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Self-efficacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors as mediators between COVID-19 care knowledge and health status

Self-efficacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors as mediators between COVID-19 care knowledge and health status

World Health Organization. Regional Office for E. Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. World Health Organization. 2023/05/11, 2023. Accessed 2023/05/05. (2023). Del Rio, C., Collins, L. F. & Malani, P. Long-term health consequences of COVID-19. JAMA 324(17), 1723–1724. (2020). Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central …

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