Health Data Finds 1 Of 2 Indians Have A Lifestyle Disorder; How We Must Focus On Preventive Healthcare

Health Data Finds 1 Of 2 Indians Have A Lifestyle Disorder; How We Must Focus On Preventive Healthcare

Redcliffe Labs conducted a comprehensive study that has unveiled concerning trends regarding the rising prevalence of lifestyle disorders in India. Analysing health data from 2.8 million individuals, the study found that every second Indian faces the risk of developing health conditions linked to lifestyle choices, with 52% of those affected being women and 48% men….

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7 Warning Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

7 Warning Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is one of life’s sweetest pleasures, but eating too much sugar can lead to hidden health consequences. While indulging in sugary treats occasionally is perfectly fine, regularly consuming too much sugar may have serious negative effects on your body. So, what are the signs that you’re eating too much sugar? To understand sugar’s impact…

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