(Cost-)effectiveness and implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention for outpatients with severe mental illness (GOAL!): a hybrid quasi-experimental study protocol | BMC Psychiatry

(Cost-)effectiveness and implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention for outpatients with severe mental illness (GOAL!): a hybrid quasi-experimental study protocol | BMC Psychiatry

Design and setting This is a type 1 hybrid quasi-experimental study with a mixed-method matched design. This design allows for the assessment of the effectiveness of GOAL! on health-related outcomes while collecting and analyzing implementation data [41]. An intervention group (N = 50) will be compared with a control group (N = 50) who continue to receive care as…

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September is Better Breakfast Month. Why coffee doesn't count (but last night's leftovers do) and other ways to make the most of your morning meal.

September is Better Breakfast Month. Why coffee doesn’t count (but last night’s leftovers do) and other ways to make the most of your morning meal.

September is Better Breakfast Month, which is all about encouraging people to “brush up on their breakfast skills” and prioritize this morning meal. Of course, eating a nourishing and balanced breakfast can be a challenge for many people, thanks to busy schedules, early school drop-offs and flat-out not being motivated to whip something up. However,…

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