Trudeau Government Left Canada Vulnerable to Foreign Interference

Trudeau Government Left Canada Vulnerable to Foreign Interference

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government was “insufficiently transparent” about foreign interference in Canadian politics and sometimes took “too long to act’’ against attempts to meddle in the country’s past two general elections by foreign powers including China and India, a government commission said on Tuesday. “Trust in Canada’s democratic institutions has been shaken, and it…

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EU takes China to WTO over high-tech patent royalties

EU takes China to WTO over high-tech patent royalties

The European Commission filed a complaint at the World Trade Organization on Monday against what it said was China’s “unfair and illegal” practice of setting worldwide royalty rates for EU standard essential patents without the patent owner’s consent. The Commission, which oversees the trade policy of the 27-nation European Union, said China had empowered its…

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