Largest shark ever tagged by research group — nicknamed "Contender" — is swimming off north Florida

Largest shark ever tagged by research group — nicknamed “Contender” — is swimming off north Florida

How a changing ecosystem is impacting sharks Study examines how sharks are being impacted by a changing ecosystem 02:00 The largest male white shark ever tagged by the research group OCEARCH was spotted in Florida waters. The shark, named Contender, was first tagged and released by OCEARCH on Jan. 17. OCEARCH tracks sharks to study…

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DeKalb residents say they need better access to health care, healthy food

DeKalb residents say they need better access to health care, healthy food

Public health, explained: Sign up to receive Healthbeat’s free Atlanta newsletter here. DeKalb County residents want more options for physical activity and healthy food and better access to health care providers, according to the latest Community Health Needs Assessment. DeKalb Public Health CEO Dr. Sandra Valenciano presented the findings at a quarterly meeting of DeKalb…

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