Man who ate part of his victim's brain granted supervised release from Connecticut psychiatric hospital

Man who ate part of his victim’s brain granted supervised release from Connecticut psychiatric hospital

A Connecticut man who was found not guilty by reason of insanity of killing a victim with a hatchet and eating body parts has been granted conditional release from the state’s only maximum-security psychiatric hospital, despite concerns expressed by the victim’s family and state lawmakers. Tyree Smith was ordered confined to Whiting Forensic Hospital for…

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Amid Navy's demand for nuclear subs, recruitment efforts for shipbuilders begins in schools

Amid Navy’s demand for nuclear subs, recruitment efforts for shipbuilders begins in schools

Groton, Connecticut — At Charles Barnum Elementary School in Groton, Connecticut, a group of fifth graders are learning about submarines. It’s the beginning of a recruitment effort by General Dynamics Electric Boat, Groton’s biggest employer, and the Navy’s biggest submarine builder. The Navy has an order in with Electric Boat for 29 submarines to be…

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