China gave a 3-year sentence to a Taiwan-based publisher on charges of inciting separatism

China gave a 3-year sentence to a Taiwan-based publisher on charges of inciting separatism

The editor-in-chief of a Taiwanese publishing house received a three-year prison sentence after a Chinese court convicted him of inciting separatism, a Chinese government spokesperson said Wednesday. The case raised concern about the risks of publishing books critical of the Chinese government and system, even outside mainland China. Li Yanhe is a Chinese citizen who…

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2 Books With Celebrity Cameos

2 Books With Celebrity Cameos

Dear readers, To live in this city is sometimes to be subject to random, unheralded encounters with the great and the good: a sitcom star fumbling for her MetroCard; a famously misanthropic novelist, happy as a clam in the stands at a Yankees game; a disgraced former governor looking entirely too unbothered at the bagel…

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