Association between Healthy Eating Index-2020, alternative Mediterranean Diet scores, and gastrointestinal cancer risk in NHANES 2005–2018

Association between Healthy Eating Index-2020, alternative Mediterranean Diet scores, and gastrointestinal cancer risk in NHANES 2005–2018

Jardim, S. R., de Souza, L. M. P. & de Souza, H. S. P. The rise of gastrointestinal cancers as a global phenomenon: unhealthy behavior or progress? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health 20. (2023). Wang, S. et al. Global, regional, and national lifetime risks of developing and dying from gastrointestinal cancers in 185…

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The association between metabolomic profiles of lifestyle and the latent phase of incident chronic kidney disease in the UK Population

The association between metabolomic profiles of lifestyle and the latent phase of incident chronic kidney disease in the UK Population

In this large prospective cohort study involving over 50,000 participants, we identified 15 plasma metabolites associated with lifestyle factors, the majority of which were lipids. Through enrichment analysis, we hypothesize that lifestyle factors may influence the linoleic acid metabolism pathway and the glycerolipid metabolism pathway, thereby affecting overall health. Subsequently, we employed accelerated failure time…

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