
40 Easy High-Protein Vegetarian Meals

1 Sweet & Sour Tofu PHOTO: RYAN LIEBE; FOOD STYLING: SAM SENEVIRATNE Sweet and sour sauce is a staple across Chinese-American restaurant menus—and for good reason. The combination of savory, tangy, and sweet flavors pairs well with virtually every protein. That’s especially true when it comes to tofu—because it’s mild in flavor, the sweet and…

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10 Tips for Healthy Eating

10 Tips for Healthy Eating

Aimee Tritt, a dietitian in Minneapolis, said she sees the same pattern over and over: People want to become healthier, so they abruptly overhaul their diets, only to burn out a few weeks later. If this has happened to you, know that you’re not a failure, said Ms. Tritt, who also teaches dietetics at the…

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The best beans to jumpstart quick, easy, and healthy meals

The best beans to jumpstart quick, easy, and healthy meals

We all know that beans—that’s shorthand for beans, dried peas, lentils, and other le­gumes—are healthy. But these beans are healthy, flavorful, fast food.  Easy beans are trending. Pouches of ready-in-60-seconds Cuban black beans, smoky barbecue pinto beans, black lentil dal, Mexican Mayocoba sofrito-seasoned beans, and others now line supermarket shelves. That’s good news for your…

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