Hong Kong’s active ‘seenagers’ are redefining retirement. Can authorities keep up?

Hong Kong’s active ‘seenagers’ are redefining retirement. Can authorities keep up?

Hongkonger Shirley Chang, 82, plays pickleball regularly, takes a weekly class to learn Chinese ink painting and teaches her friends how to play bridge. The former businesswoman, who lives with a domestic helper in the Mid-Levels, said she was enjoying her retirement years by staying healthy, maintaining an active lifestyle and searching for new experiences….

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Scientists find lifestyle and living conditions have greater impact on healthy ageing than genes

Scientists find lifestyle and living conditions have greater impact on healthy ageing than genes

Socioeconomic status and other lifestyle factors are more closely linked to healthy ageing than genetics, a new study suggests. ADVERTISEMENT It’s a favourite refrain among health experts: your postcode is as important for your health as your genetic code, determining where people live, what kind of food they eat, how good their medical care is,…

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Forget superfoods: Your morning coffee could be the secret to a longer life | Health

Forget superfoods: Your morning coffee could be the secret to a longer life | Health

Drinking coffee could add almost two years of healthy living to one’s life, according to a new study that reviewed previously published research. New study says coffee lovers may live longer – Here’s why!(Shutterstock) The study, published in Ageing Research Reviews journal, found that the benefits of drinking coffee “correspond to an average increase in…

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