Commissioners Approve $70,500 in Contingency Budget Transfers | Local News

Commissioners Approve $70,500 in Contingency Budget Transfers | Local News

{KXLG – Watertown, SD} During this week’s Codington County Commissioners meeting, a series of motions were approved to transfer $70,500 from the Commissioners Contingency Fund to various budgets to make them “whole.”

Codington County Auditor Brenda Hanten explains more to the Commissioners…

The first motion, made by Commissioner Gabel and seconded by Commissioner VanDusen, approved transfers to the following budgets:

  • Commissioners Budget: $44,000
  • Court Appointed Attorney Budget: $4,000
  • County Nurse Budget: $4,500

This motion, totaling $52,500, was unanimously approved by the Board.

A second motion, made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Gabel, approved transferring $18,000 to the E911 budget. Commissioners Gabel, Johnson, and Schweer voted in favor, while Commissioner VanDusen recused himself. This motion also carried…

The Commissioners supported the transfers, ensuring the continued provision of essential services to the community with a balanced budget.

You can listen to the full meeting below:

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