How School Meals Can Transform a Nation

How School Meals Can Transform a Nation

The global nutrition crisis presents a dual challenge: in developing nations, malnutrition and stunting persist, while in wealthier societies, rising obesity and diabetes rates threaten public health. Despite these contrasting problems, a shared solution has emerged—comprehensive national nutrition initiatives that integrate food security with education. According to the World Bank, malnutrition can reduce a country’s…

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人氣Gelato Messina插旗山頂!獨家糖蔥餅口味/兩大姊妹品牌同步登場 | U Food

人氣Gelato Messina插旗山頂!獨家糖蔥餅口味/兩大姊妹品牌同步登場 | U Food

來自澳洲的人氣雪糕品牌Gelato「Messina」近日插旗山頂開設第二間分店,將提供40款口味雪糕,包括山頂分店獨家糖蔥餅口味Gelato,以芝麻椰絲椰子意式雪糕配麥芽糖蔥,充滿香港特色!另外兩大姊妹品牌:懷舊美式烘焙店「Butter」以及紐約風薄餅「Peak Pizza」亦同步登場,即睇詳情: 「Messina」堅持不使用預製雪糕基底或添加配料,全部材料由零開始打造。品牌飼養乳牛採集鮮奶、開設自家士多啤梨及榛子農場,由雪糕基底以至曲奇、朱古力布朗尼、果醬等配料,都一律自家製作。店內陳列了 40 款口味,包括 30 款經典口味、5 款香港獨家口味以及 5 款每周輪流推出的特別口味,每球意式雪糕由$45起。山頂獨家口味靈感來自無數港人的童年回憶:糖蔥餅,以芝麻椰絲椰子意式雪糕配麥芽糖蔥,充滿港式懷舊風情。 Gelato Messina每星期更新一次限定口味,每款口味將於專頁帖文發佈起計供應七天,如於星期三公佈新口味登場,將會供應至下星期二晚,並全部限量發售,售完即止,大家記得要把握機會試心水口味! 人氣懷舊美式烘焙店「Butter」亦進駐山頂,必試甘筍蛋糕、三重朱古力蛋糕及紅絲絨蛋糕等熱門產品,款款造型精緻打卡。 「Peak Pizza」主打紐約風薄餅提供$28起的件裝薄餅和$208起的整個薄餅,更可加$18享用無限量任添汽水! Messina山頂店 地址:山頂廣場地下G08號舖 營業時間:每日下午 12 時至下午 8 時    Butter山頂店 地址:山頂廣場地下G08號舖 營業時間:每日下午12時至下午7時    Peak Pizza山頂店 地址:山頂廣場地下G08號舖 營業時間:每日下午12時至下午7時      同場加映:【開箱速遞】最新影片 Source link

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5 Foods with as Many Omega-3s as Salmon

5 Foods with as Many Omega-3s as Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Unlike other types of fats, our bodies cannot produce omega-3s on their own in adequate amounts, which means we must get them from our diets. Omega-3 fatty acids come in three main types: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is found in…

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